Wednesday, 26 March 2008


Went to the registry office in Sutton today and got Emily all good and registered like. She's now legal as Emily Patricia Archdall John.

We got a birth certificate so she can get a passport, got a form for her to register for the doctor and signed a form that will go in the public records. Many years from now, when our ancestors are doing family tree stuff, the document I signed today will form part of their research. History in action!

Our appointment at the office was at 9.40, so for the first time since Em was born we had to set the alarm (found this funny as any sleep past 6.30am is pretty much non-existent). Anyway, last night lying there watching Magnum P.I. on DVD (oh yeah baby!) it hit me that I had only 9 hours of sleep left before I had to be up, then 8. You just lie there worrying that you can't get to sleep and the pot of sleep you can have is growing ever so smaller.

When we've been getting up whenever we wanted to, it wasn't a problem, now there was a finite time, it's terrifying.

We had another adventure in the car today, we went to Carshalton. We decided to combine the travel system with the car seat. Walked around Grove Park and the Carshalton Ponds then went for a bite to eat. Emily was absolutely amazing, the kind of baby you wish you could have on days out. Quiet, and lovely.

This afternoon, we had Sue's new health care worker come visit today. She gave us some literature, let us know when the jabs and appointments for Em will be and weighed and took her height. She's still hovering around 4.5 kg and is definitely 57in long (yes, just shy of 2 ft!!)

As I type, I'm looking after the crap-factory in the lounge, as mummy is so tired she's in her "I don't want a baby any more" phase. I was here just the other night so I understand. I'm really happy to give mummy time to rest, but am super paranoid about what to do if baby actually needs a feed. I can change her, cover her, put her dummy in her mouth but I am biologically barred from feeding her.

Now playing: Bonnie Tylerr - Holding Out For A Hero [Special Extended Remix]
via FoxyTunes
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