Monday, 11 February 2008

Maternity leave and pain

It's Sue's first day of maternity leave today and I don't think she's doing too well.

On the phone today, she said she was feeling pretty rough, like she was hung over and that she had a headache.

This pregnancy's been pretty hard on her, and I can't help think how she'll deal with baby number two when we have it.

I feel quite helpless (and just a tad guilty) with everything she's going through. I can't help her at all, any relief you usually seek is through pills or lotions that are a no-go area for pregnant mothers. Add to that, I have to do nothing during the pregnancy - no morning sickness, no avoidance of headache remedies or alcohol. I guess that's why most dad's feel quite useless quite a lot of the time.

Still, I can only hope that having no work to worry about will only be a good thing for Sue, at least in the couple of weeks before the baby arrives.

Tonight we have an NCT breastfeeding class, and then this Thursday is our last ante-natal class. I can't help feeling a bit more desolate at the thought of being alone again (come Friday) in this whole adventure.
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