The decision behind this was really me as I like miniature villages and hadn't been to one since a 2005 holiday to the Isle of Wight.
We weren't really sure how Emily would react to the joys of being a Gulliver-sized giant to the Lilliputian-sized model townsfolk.
We needn't have worried - she loved it. The village has a number of trains running through it and Emily couldn't get enough of these. Sue and I continued to yell "Train" whenever one went by and Emily would come running with a sense of wonder and joy on her face to see the train whizz by.
Likewise, a number of village houses and exhibitions had actions and Emily really enjoyed seeing those, as I guess would any child.
They also had a playground area and Emily spent far too long going down the slide over and over and OVER again. We capped the day off by going around the place on a ride-em train.