Tuesday, 12 February 2013

Holly's additional therapy

Sue started Holly's additional therapy today. After a bit of a harrowing start (getting lost, having Emily's nappy on not quite right resulting in "leakage"), so finally found the place and got on with the job at hand.

We were wondering initially whether Holly would benefit from additional therapy, but I think the session put our wonder to rest. Sue regaled me afterwards about what transpired through the session.

Thankfully, BUPA are giving us 6 sessions as part of our membership. After that, we're not sure what happens. The specialist said she'd try to shake the tree from her end to see if the PCT (Primary Care Trust) will help us out (even though our own doctors have said no, as we're already receiving treatment on the NHS - although this kind of treatment is really unavailable anywhere else).

The most gut wrenching thing was Sue telling me Holly might have Cerebral Palsy. I realise those two words separately loosely mean brain damage, and that we're living in cloud cuckoo land if we think she escaped dying with no lasting injuries. It's just when you say terms like "Cystic Fibrosis", "Multiple Sclerosis" or "Cerebral Palsy" it sounds so final. I guess it's the label and the society baggage that comes along with it.

The therapist was not eager to label Holly yet, but said signs points to this being the diagnosis. On a positive note she was really impressed with how bright and alert Holly was and some of her movement were also good.

Here's hoping. Here's hoping.
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