Tuesday 18 December 2007

I type in a land down under

We arrive to a wonderful family greeting on Sunday morning around 7am, and as I type this now we're still fighting the jet lag (it's 6.30am!!)

Sue, however, is having maybe an easier time of the jetlag, in that she's suffering from babylag and is quite tired a lot of the time anyway.

Sue's mid-wife asked her to try to book an appointment here to check blood pressure, etc. She made the call yesterday and the local mid-wife deemed it not important enough to book an appointment. Not sure if that's encouraging or a sign of laziness on their behalf.

Yesterday we were treated to a showing of all the stuff Sue's mum has bought for the baby. It's amazing! There's so much stuff, I don't think we need to buy anything at least for the first couple of months (or maybe years).

My only concern, from a pragmatic male-point of view, is how are we going to get the stuff home? My case is kinda half-full but I was hoping to actually get the odd X-mas pressie and Aussie purchase to put in there and Sue packs like there's no tomorrow, so I'm just a bit worried we're going to have to post it back or something rather expensive like that. Time, I guess, will tell.
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